PBBM, join the SCO already!

Analysis and Opinion By LCX The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is ascendant! And the Philippines has a big role to play in it. The Philippines can seize all the opportunities which were never opened to it by the West. The West will be jealous and worried and will entice it with more opportunities. So by the … Continue reading

How to build a nation when Earth is the enemy

Analysis and Opinion By JoeAm The Philippines is notoriously reactive. I’m sometimes skeptical about whether the future tense is even taught in school. Nor is history, evidently, looking at the list of Presidential candidates. Filipinos live in the “now” I guess. I think that’s not the best idea. Earth has about had it with over-populating, … Continue reading

Avoiding Living Hell

Analysis and Opinion By Irineo B. R. Salazar The sheer horror of the landslide in Pilar, Leyte – triggered by the storm Agaton – was captured on social media recently. It isn’t just due to global warming, which has caused not just stronger storms but like this time storms that come earlier. It is also due to … Continue reading

Earth’s End Game

Analysis and Opinion By Joe America We are approaching earth’s end game, for humans. We’ve destroyed the environment, overpopulated the place, and stuffed it full of poison-emitting machines, all in the name of progress. Ethical harmony and compassionate community-building, founded on truth and progress, have given way to self-dealing power games founded on manipulation and … Continue reading

The end of the world and us

Analysis and Opinion By JoeAm I’m fascinated by our circumstances, our context, our situation. It’s different than in the past, in case you haven’t noticed. Global warming is giving us floods, firestorms, and rising seas. Fake news and fascists abound, people actually living in their conspiracy theories, totally detached from truth. Disease rampaging across the … Continue reading